| Perspective
To create something completely new with original ideas. To transmit new values through expression and technological invention, and happiness to the people of the world.
独自の発想で 全く新しいものを創り出すこと。
表現や技術の発明で 新しい価値観を発信し、
世界の人々に感動や幸せ 気づきを与えること。
Cute, cool, and beautiful are the surface of design. To solve a certain problem, delve into its essence, concepts, and express them according to the medium.
かわいい カッコいい 美しい はデザインの表層。
ある問題を解決するために その本質を掘り下げ、
思考や概念を組立て 媒体に応じて表現すること。
A management strategy that creates unique value and differentiates the company from its competitors. Maximize customer loyalty and empathy. The result is a long-selling brand with designated buyers.
独自の価値を創造し 競合と差別化する経営戦略。
| Philosophy
Awareness of the problem of preconceived notions
Awareness of preconceived problems is the starting point for creativity. We look at what is happening in front of us neutrally and create new ideas from a sense of discomfort and doubt. We pursue novelty in both novelty and quality.
既成概念に対する問題意識が 創造性の出発点。
違和感や疑問から 新たな発想の枠組みを創出。
ノベルティとクオリティ 双方で新規性を追究。
Multi-faceted perspectives that get to the heart of the matter
Through a back-and-forth process of intuition and logic, sensitivity and reason, micro and macro, he discovers the essence and captures the core. In addition, he leads the whole to the best with a big picture view and aesthetic sense. big picture view and aesthetic.
直感と論理 感性と理性 ミクロとマクロ…
多角的な尺度を用い 対極の往復運動を経て、
ものごとの本質を見極め 的確に核心を捉える。
更に大局観と美意識で 全体を最良な方向へ導く。
Concept building that forms the basis of the project
Concept building is the foundation of branding design.Extract the essential value of products and services. Visualize your brand as a durable and unique brand in an increasingly commoditized world full of goods and information.
モノや情報で溢れ コモデティ化が進む世界で、